Product Overview
Each issue is packed full of quality content; from features of new and unique customized firearms to handy DIY articles to the stunning photography and the heavyweight high gloss paper, UN12 is not just any old gun magazine, it's a work of art! To sweeten the experience each issue of UN12 comes with a limited edition patch.
Firearm Features:
- Red-Dot Ruger Blackhawk
- Hellfire M&P 9
- DC Precision R17 Open Race Glock
- Grey Ghost/Grayguns SIG Sauer P320
Customization Features:
- Personalized Knife
General Features:
- Taking Aim at Thunder Ranch
- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
- Clothing Guide
Product Reviews:
- Triarc TRI-11
- LEO TakeDown
Buyers Guides:
- 10 Glock Slides Custom Cut & Coated
- Pistol Magwell Buyer's Guide