Pocket Guide to Lure Fishing


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Product Overview

  • The Pocket Guide To Lure Fishing For Trout In A Stream is unique in that it analyzes where the trout will be holding and how best to effectively present your lure, including while fishing from a drift boat. Detailed 3-dimensional drawings demonstrate where fish may be found around boulders, uprooted trees, the bend in a stream, in backwaters, in pools, in runs, near deep banks and around gravel bars. Techniques address fishing Shearing Planes, Currentless Tongues among other areas. Rods, reels, and lines are discussed along with a detailed analysis of the lures you should use, when and why. Casting techniques and useful knots are also discussed along with the impact of seasonal considerations. The co-author of this guide, Dr. Harley Reno, is a fisheries biologist and long time fishing guide.
  • 0.15lbs
  • South Korea


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